Thank you for your interest in GCU's Clinical Skills Club! To become a member for Fall '24, a google forms application must be filled out and submitted. Applications will open at the beginning of the Fall semester. Check this web page or our instagram @gcuclinicalskillsclub for updates on when the application cycle opens.
After applying, you will receive an email indicating the acceptance or deferral of your application. Please note that there are limited spots each semester due to limited supplies and our desire to provide a hands-on learning opportunity for each student. With a high volume of applicants each semester, some students will get turned away. This is not a reflection of your accomplishments or you as a person and we always encourage students to apply the next semester as we take re-applicants into consideration.
Meetings are usually held every Monday from 2:30pm-4:00pm. There is a $30 membership fee to be paid at the first meeting via cash or Venmo. This money goes towards medical supplies and an official Clinical Skills Club T-shirt for each member.